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Âíèìàíèå!!! 04.09.06 29/08/2006

The Tender Commission on export sale of petroleum and chemical products hereby informs about holding an auction at the United Trading Site of the Concern Belneftekhim on 04.09.2006 on export sales of the fertilizer produced by JSC “Homel Chemical Plant”. Start at 11:00 à.m. local time.
On DAF terms (board of the Republic of Belarus):
1) nitrogen-phosphate-potash compound fertilizer – bland grade 5-18-24-5(S) (TC RB 400069905.017-2002 – 1000 t;
Terms of payment – advanced payment. Shipment period – September, 2006.
Everyday sample no less than 250 t.  At the first day of the week no less than 750 t. (production of three days).  Packing and transportation: 500 kg by rail means;
2) Nitrogen-phosphor-potassium complex fertilizer grade 16-16-16-6(S) (ÒÓ ÐÁ 400069905.022-2003 – 600 t;
Terms of payment – advanced payment. Shipment period – September, 2006.
3) Nitrogen-phosphorum complex fertilizer grade 8-30-8(S) (ÒÓ ÐÁ 400069905.023-2004 ) – 60 t;
Terms of payment – advanced payment. Shipment period – September, 2006.
Production deliver on DAF terms the border of the Republic of Belarus. Additionaly to the price on FCA terms st. Centrolit it is necessary to take into account the railway tariffs to the following border station:
Bigisovo – 11,50 USD;
Gudogai – 9,50 USD;
Slovechno – 6,50 USD;
Terehovka – 3,00 USD;
Teryuha – 2,50 USD;
Goryn – 7,50 USD;
Svisloch – 11,50 USD;
Brest – 11,00 USD;
Bruzghi – 13,00 USD.
It is possible to convey as transit goods for the cost, which cover the expenses.



United Tender Board on Export Sale of chemical and petrochemical products hereby informs about holding an auction at the United Trading Site of the Concern Belneftekhim 30/08/06 on export sales of the production of JSC “Naftan”. Opening at 11:00  o’clock a.m. local time:
On FCA terms st. Novopolotsk:
1) Sulfuric acid technical, 1st quality (monohydrate content not less 92,5%) – 700t.; Period of shipment – October 2006;
2) Sulfuric acid technical, 1st quality (monohydrate content not less 92,5%) – 580t.; Period of shipment – November 2006;
3) Sulfuric acid technical, 1st quality (monohydrate content not less 92,5%) – 780t.; Period of shipment – December 2006;
4) Sulfuric acid technical, 1st quality (monohydrate content not less 92,5%) – 1100t.; Period of shipment – January 2007;
5) Sulfuric acid technical ,1st quality (monohydrate content not less 92,5%) – 360t.; Period of shipment – February 2007;
7) Contact sulfuric acid, improved – 4900 t.; Period of shipment – October 2006;
8) Contact sulfuric acid, improved – 4900 t.; Period of shipment – November 2006;
9) Contact sulfuric acid, improved – 4900 t.; Period of shipment – December 2006;
10) Contact sulfuric acid, improved – 4900 t.; Period of shipment – January 2007;
11) Contact sulfuric acid, improved – 4900 t.; Period of shipment – February 2007;
12) Contact sulfuric acid, improved – 4900 t.; Period of shipment – March 2007;
Quality of  contact sulfuric acid, improved:
Period of shipment of month consignments of goods is during a month. Conditions of payment – prepayment during 3 (three) bank days from the moment of being invoiced. The date of drawing the invoice is not included. The date of payment is the value date (in case of writing off the monetary asserts from the account of the Buyer).
Upon the wish of the winner of the auction, the payment for the petroleum products may be made against the fact of dispatch within three bank days from the date of invoice. To secure the liabilities to pay for the goods subject to dispatch, the Buyer should open an irrevocable divisible reserve letter of credit (Stand-By) to the sum of the contract within four (4) bank days from the issuance by the Seller of the resource certificate on the availability of the goods. The date of issuance of the resource certificate is not icluded. In this case, at concluding the contract with the winner of the auction, one percent of the price per ton should be added to the price of petroleum products. In case of using reserve letter of credit (Stand-By) the Buyer should submit the Seller with properly verified copies of incorporation documents (charter, certificate of incorporation, extract from the commerce register), and also the documents confirming power of the natural person, having the right on behalf of the applicant, to sign the agreement, the report on results of the tenders and the future contract on delivery.
Before the shipment the winner of the auction should submit the Seller with all necessary admittances, licenses for import of   sulfuric acid, in consideration of country of destination.
The auction will be held without a deposit.
Additional information:

To become a participant of the "United ETS":


Attention! 30/08/06 29/08/2006

The Tender Commission of the United Electronic Tender System (ETS) hereby informs about holding an auction at the United Trading Site of the Concern Belneftekhim on 30.09.2006 on export sales of the following petroleum products. Start at 12:00 a. m. local time.

On FCA terms st. Novopolotsk  (OJSC "Naftan"):

The resources belong to the company «Interservis»:
1) Gasoline “Normal 80” – 5800 t;
Shipment period – till 15/10/2006. The advance payment is made during two days from the date of issue of an invoice. The date of drawing the invoice is not included.

Additional information: The Buyer undertakes to provide the Seller with the orders on the purchased Goods, and also the documents required for shipment within two working days from the issuance by the Seller of the resource certificate or invoice on payment. In case of infringement by the Buyer of the terms and conditions of payment for the Goods the Buyer shall pay to the Seller the penalty at a rate of 0.3% from the outstanding sum per every day of the delay. The penalty increases to 2% from the contractual amount per every day of the delay in a case of the delay more then 50 days. Contract is singed on term FCA “Naftan” or DAF RB. In the latest case the cost of transportation will be added to the best price on term FCA “Naftan”.

On FOB terms port Riga (the terminal “LRT”):
2) Diesel Fuel environmently friendly s10ppm – 10 000 t;
Conditions of payment: 100% prepayment during 3 bank days after being invoiced.
Nomination period in Riga – 20/09/06 – 22/09/06


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Óâàæàåìûå ãîñïîäà,
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An approximate plane of realization of petroleum products. 18/08/2006

An approximate plane of realization of petroleum products produced by the enterprises incorporated into Concern Belneftekhim at the United Trading Site of the Concern Belneftekhim in a period from August 20 - September 20,2006

Attention!!! 01/09/2006 10/08/2006

United Tender Board on Export Sale of Oil Products hereby informs about holding an auction at the United Trading Site of the Concern Belneftekhim 01/09/06 on export sales of the production of JSC “Polimir”. Start at 11:00 a. m. local time.
On FCA terms st. Novopolotsk:
1) Pyrolized heavy pitch (GOST 2081-92 type B, high quality) – 200t.; Terms of payment – 100% prepayment not later than 05/09/06. Shipment period: from 1 to 30 September, 2006. The contract should be concluded not than 31 August, 2006. Additional conditions: the Buyer should submit JSC “Polimir” with all  necessary shipment documents  till 1 September, for the quantity not less than 100% of  all quantity. In case of infringement by the Buyer of the terms of export the goods pay the penalty at the rate of 5% from cost of the non-export goods. If the Buyer breach the terms of payment, the Buyer pays the penalty in the rate of 0,1% from not paid  sum of money per every day of delay for first 3 days, and 0,3%  if the delay is more than 3 days.
Information about production:
Pyrolized heavy pitch produced by JSC “Polimir”
Quantity: 450 t.
Density at 20 C, g/cm3, min - 1,03
Kinematic viscosity at 50 C, sSt -40,0
Total water, %, max - 0,5
Supplemental information: total surfers - 0,041 - 0,056%.
The auction will be held with use of the deposit – 5 000 (five thousands) for one trade session.
To become a participant of the "United ETS" the company should submit to the UE "Belarusian Oil Trade House" the following package of documents: the documents confirming its legal status and legal capacity (properly drawn up extract from the commerce register of the country of registration or other equivalent documents confirming the legal status and capacity, recognized as those by legislation of the country of registration), incorporation documents, and also the documents confirming power of the natural person, having the right on behalf of the applicant, to sign the agreement, the report on results of the tenders and the future contract on delivery, to conclude with UE “Belarusian Oil Trade House" bidding on the United Trading Site Agreement on the deposit (section «Rules» on web-site), to transfer deposit to the account of the UE “Belarusian Oil Trade House", and to register on the  web-site of UTS as a Claimant (section  «Registration»).
To conclude bidding on the United Trading Site Agreement and receive an invoice on deposit please contact Shevtsova Tatiyana, tel/fax +375 17 2976918; +375 17 2976914.
In a case of technical problems during the process of log-in please contact system manager Bavbel Igor, tel/fax +375 17 2976914, +375 29 3694996.

The information about current differentials, that are used for approval of the contracts in conformity with the Rules on approval of the contracts and export licenses, passed by the decree of the Concern "Belneftekhim". 27/06/2006

Reduction of the deposit on fertilizers produced by OJSC "Gomel chemical plant" up to 5000 US dollars 23/06/2006

The Tender Commission on export sale of petroleum and chemical products hereby informs, starting from June, 22nd 2006ã. the sum of the deposit required to be admitted to the electronic tenders on export sale of fertilizers manufactured by the OJSC "Gomel chemical plant" is fixed at a rate of 5000 (five thousand) US dollars on a separate trading session. The brought deposit lets the applicant to take part in the tenders on all fertilizers produced by the OJSC "Gomel chemical plant", put up to the tenders in the framework of one trading session. For those who have brought deposits at a rate of 20000 US dollars, the part of the deposit will be returned under the written notice.

The rules of participation of the bid on export sales of fertilizer produced by JSC “Grodno Azot" 21/06/2006

To become a participant of the "United ETS" on export sales of  fertilizer produced by  JSC "Grodno Azot", please .....


New rules on export sales of liquefied gas 06/06/2006

Dear Sirs
Please be informed that, starting from June 2006, price and currency of payment on liquefied gas of PBA, SPBT and BT grades, produced by Belarusian Gas Refinery will be fixed in EURO.
Rules of deposit won’t be changed, the currency of deposit – US dollars.

The rules of participation of the bid on export sales of phthalic anhydride produced by JSC “Lakokraska" 01/06/2006

To become a participant of the "United ETS" on export sales of  phthalic anhydride produced by  JSC "Lakokraska", please



The rules of participation of the bid on export sales of fertilizer produced by JSC “Homel Chemical Plant” 01/06/2006

To become a participant of the "United ETS" on export sales of fertilizer produced by JSC “Homel Chemical Plant”, please ......cklick here


Attention!!! 03/05/2006

To become a participant of the "United ETS" on export sales of petroleum products, please go to the following address in the Internet: The front page that opens allows getting registered by clicking the reference “Registration” and filling in the offered form. Please be careful to remember properly your NAME and awarded PASSWORD. The accounting record is inactive. The Participant will be activated at fulfilment of the conditions of participation in the tender. Prior to the start of the tender, it is necessary to submit one's initial offers with indication of the required volume and price on the offered petroleum products. The Tender Commission of the "United ETS" has the right to refuse to hold the auction prior to the start thereof, and to make changes in this notification on the conditions of holding the auction by means of placing the respective information in the web-site of the "United ETS " in the Internet at the address:
Should the Bidder evade (in case of recognizing him to be the Winner of the tender) from signing the Minutes on the outcomes of the tender, and (or) conclusion of the Contract on delivery of the products on due dates, the Deposit is not returned to him.The organizations, who have failed to transfer the deposit to the settlement account of the UE "Belarusian Oil Trade House", are not admitted to the tenders. The Deposit Agreement may be found in Section "RULES".


Attention! 02/03/2006

Please be informed that starting from March 01, 2006 the dispatch of following petroleum products will be carried out through the boundary passage of Bigosovo/Indra:
- full rang of petroleum products from the station Barbarov (OJSC "Mozyr Oil Refinery") to consumers in Estonia and in ports of Estonia,
- dark petroleum products to consumers in Latvia and in ports of Latvia.
The dispatch of light petroleum products from the station Barbarov (OJSC "Mozyr Oil Refinery") in direction of pots of Latvia will be carried out only through the boundary passage Benyakone-Stasilos-Meytene/Yonishkis. (Lithuanian RW).


The quality of the petroleum products, sold by auction at the United Trading Site of the Concern "Belneftekhim". 06/01/2006



Republic's Affiliated Unitary Enterprise
"Belarusian Oil Trading House"
220116, Minsk, 73 Dzerzhinskogo Avenue,
tel./fax +375 17 2719552; 2719813
UNP 101119568
CJSC "Slavneftebank", Minsk, MFO 153001108
Account No. 3012301355019,
SWIFT code: SLANBY 22,
Correspondent Bank: Citibank N. A.,
399, Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022, USA
Acc. 36247267
Electronic Tender System, Version
© 2004-2006 JV CJSC «International Business Alliance»