Today is 24 Oct 2021  02:54






About transferring of trading for the export sale of oil products, chemical and petrochemical products from the United Trading Site of Belneftekhim Concern in the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange.

UE Belarusian Oil Trading House thanks You for the efficient long-term cooperation with our enterprise and informs You that at the present time the measures are being implemented for transferring of electronic trading for the export sale of oil products, chemical and petrochemical products from the United Trading Site of Belneftekhim Concern in the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange (link to the website The planned date of starting of exchange trading in JSC “Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange” is from July 1, 2021.*

At the same time inform You that the United Trading Site of Belneftekhim Concern continues its work for the export sale of oil products, chemical and petrochemical products, including the registration of new companies and the conclusion with them of security deposit agreements and/or participation agreements in auctions, on the same terms.

Concerning issues of making the accreditation for participating in the exchange trading for the export sale of oil products, chemical and petrochemical products in JSC “Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange” it’s necessary to contact with the specialist of the customer service department Tatyana Krechko by phone +375 29 695 71 17 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) or by e-mail

* due to the solution of organizational and technical tasks the deadline can be adjusted.




A unified electronic marketplace of the Belarusian State Company for Oil and Chemicals has been created to optimize the export of oil, chemical, and petrochemical products for the companies of the system of the «Belneftekhim» concern.

A special software product, eTrading System, has been developed to hold electronic auctions. Access to the marketplace, registration, and participation in auctions is performed via a Bidder’s application.

Basic principles for holding e-auctions are creating a favorable environment for non-priviledged competition, general requirements and merits for objective assessment for all tenderers, guaranteeing equal rights and responsibilities to the participants, and enforcement of tender commitments.



To become a participant

To become a participant of the Electronic Auction System on export sales it is necessary:

1. To submit to the UE "Belarusian Oil Trade House" the following documents:

  • extract from the commerce register of the country of registration or Certificate of Good Standing (not senior than 6 months at the time of submission of documents)
  • Charter
  • Registration Certificate
  • the documents confirming power of the natural person, having the right on behalf of the applicant (power of attorney)
  •  All documents must be apostiled  (for the countries that join the Hague convention from October 15, 1961). Notarized translation into Russian is required.

    2. If the lots are traded with the security deposit, conclude Security Deposit Agreement and transfer fixed security deposit to the account of the UE "Belarusian Oil Trade House". If the lots are traded without the security deposit (oils, nefras), conclude PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT IN AUCTION.

    Documents send at the mail address: UE "Belarusian Oil Trade House" Dzerzhinskogo pr-t, 73, Minsk, 220116, Belarus

    3. Go to the page "Registration" in the appropriate section of the marketplace and fill in the offered form. 

    4. The accounting record will be activated after documents are presented and security deposit is transfered. For operative activation of the account recommended to contact the organizer of the auction.

    5. Install "Bidder's application". Links to install "Bidder's application", login and password will be sent by e-mail after activating your account.

    6.See also educational video.







    • Concerning agreements on participation in tenders on oil products sales, invoicing security deposits, please contact:
      Tel.: +375 17 277 1454 (Russian/English), Fax: +375 17 297 6302, e-mail:
    • Concerning agreements on participation in tenders on chemical and petrochemical products sales please contact:
      Tel.: +375 17 277 1454, Fax: +375 17 297 6302, e-mail:
    • For advice on working with electronic bidding and technical problems, please contact:
      Tel.: +375 17 272 21 07, . If you experience problems, try to describe it as detailed as possible, the sequence of your actions that led to its emergence, and attach the text of allyour received messages at the same time, or screenshots. This will allow faster to determine the cause of the problem and fix it.

UE "Belarusian Oil Trade House"
Republic of Belarus, 220116
Minsk, Dzerzhinsky avenue, 73
fax: +375 17 297-63-02

Electronic Tender System ©